
Archive for the ‘Ecuador’ Category

crew ©YasuniMovie

Our crew filming in the rainforest

This first article shall provide some background information on our film project and explain what this blog will be about. So first of all, „Yasuní – two seconds of life“ is a documentary which gives insight into a very special and unique proposal: to leave the oil in the ground.

But first things first: the Yasuní national park is situated in Ecuador and one of the world’s most biodiverse places (you can find some more detailed information here and I will provide you with figures and more information soon.). It is also home to indigenous peoples, some of which still live in voluntary isolation, far away from the civilized world. But Yasuní also holds large oil reserves. And that’s where the whole story starts: since Ecuador is largly dependent on its oil exports, it would be the easiest way to just drill and sell the oil. But, of course, it’s not that easy. A lot of people in Ecuador are standing up against the destruction that has been caused by oil companies over the past decades. International scientists have proved that Yasuní national park contains more species in one hectar than the whole area of the United States. And people all over the world realize that it is high time to move away from fossile fuels towards green energies. In 2007, Ecuador’s president offered the world to induce this change. And his unique offer still holds till the end of 2011: if the world pays half of the value of the oil found in Yasuní, President Correa will not allow oil companies to drill there. Instead, the money that will be administered by a UN trust fund, will be invested in the development of sustainable energies as well as the protection of the Yasuní national park and the indigenous peoples.

soundcheck ©YasuniMovie

Eric Spitzer-Marlyn is assuring the best sound possible.

So that’s the background story and that’s where Leonardo Wild and his crew jump in: they felt like they have to let the world know, that there is an amazing opportunity to usher in the post-fossile era! That’s why they made this documentary and let lots of different people have a say (scientists, politicians, representatives of oil companies, etc.), so that everyone can get the whole picture. The documentary is now ready and we are preparing its worldwide promotion, but we are still in need of funding. So, if you’re interested in this movie, please stay tuned and maybe even spread the word – and if you feel like you want to support us in any way, feel free to contact us.

This blog will keep you updated on how our project is evolving and we will give you more detailed information on the Yasuní national park, its indigenous peoples and current developments concerning Ecuador’s proposal. Feel free to comment and discuss what we are presenting here.

You can also find us on youtube, facebook and twitter.

Thanks for stopping by, we’re looking forward to hearing from you!

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